Services We Provide

Community Nursing

Dial care services engages highly qualified Clinical, Registered, Enrolled Nurses as well as support workers to provide a high level of nursing care that meets the high and complex needs of vulnerable people who may not be able to visit the hospital at the comfort of their home, either day or night time.

Our services include:

  • Medication management (oral, subcutaneous, intravenous etc.)
  • Diabetes management (blood sugar monitoring, insulin administration, education to self-manage diabetes, nutrition)
  • Vital signs monitoring (blood pressure, heart rate, oxygen saturation, temperature)
  • Continence management (bowel care, in dwelling catheters, supra pubic catheters, in/out catheters)
  • Airway/ breathing management (tracheostomy care, CPAP)
  • Enteral feeding and management (NGT, NET, PEG)
  • Complex wound management

Accommodation and Tenancy assistance

Dial care services can offer one on one support to find affordable and safe accommodation in order to help you accomplish your accommodation and tenancies objectives.

Our services include:

  • Assisting our clients with application process for rental tenancy either long or short terms
  • Exploring rental options in terms of affordability, location, size etc
  • Working between our clients and landlords to make sure they meet the requirements of their tenancy agreement
  • Liaising with utility providers and how to access utility grants

Respite care

Dial care services provides respite care in order to give clients and their carers time to do their everyday activities or just relax and look after themselves. This can be accessed for a few hours, a few days or even longer either in your home or in the community.

Early supports for age groups (0-6yrs)

Dial care services acknowledge that early childhood is a crucial time for your child’s development. During this time learning and growing happens very rapidly. Unfortunately, some children end up having a developmental delay or a disability which can be overwhelming to the family.

As a registered provider, we offer quality support to young children and their families who are in these situations. Our organisation will ensure support delivered will match the individual needs and preferences in a person-centred manner to meet their goals. This in return will enhance the well-being of young children with a disability to have the best start in their lives.

We offer a range of supports which includes but are not limited to:

In-home Supports such as:

Homework for school ages
general play
reading books
dancing to music
Cooking / Baking
Creating Art & Crafts
Community-based supports such as:

going swimming,
Visiting the zoo
attending movies
visiting library
Any preferred activities

Assistance with travel and transportation

Dial care services recognises and acknowledges that for many people with disabilities, going from one point to another independently is a personal goal that everyone would wish to achieve. We therefore aim to educate and empower people with disability to travel with confidence through:

Helping them to understand how to read bus time tables, knowing which bus stop to get in/off the bus
Educating them how to use travel apps e.g., taxis, uber, ola etc
Getting someone to accompany them for the first time in order for them to build confidence

Assistance with daily personal activities

Dial care services acknowledges that every person living with a disability has individualised needs and thus requires different supports. As a result, we provide assistance with personal care in order to help our clients to be as independent as possible either at home or in the community. This includes but not limited to, getting in and out of bed showering, bathing, dressing, continence care etc

Household tasks

Dial care services offers assistance with domestic chores that our clients are unable to undertake. Services include:

Essential cleaning in areas that are mostly used by clients e.g., bathrooms, toilets, kitchens, bedrooms, living areas
Cleaning cooker tops and bench tops
Mopping floors, vacuuming, dusting, dishwashing, changing bed linen, washing and drying clothes, ironing

Social and community participation

Dial care services believes that when our clients are provided with support that enables them to participate in community, social and recreation activities, it can help them boost their self-confidence, personality and also attitude. It can also reduce social isolation and improve their mental health.

Activities include:

Participation in social groups
Participation in recreation and sporting activities
Joining a gym
Attending events with support workers
Volunteering in activities
Learning how to use bus services